Name: Jeannie Boen
Location: Washington, USA


My name is Jeannie Boen. I live in Washington state with two very spoiled Shetland Sheepdogs. I actually have a lot in common with Bill Bowman, whose story appeared earlier in the page. I am also 32 years old and was born with mild to moderate cerebral palsy. I now know (thanks to this page) the specific type is "spastic". I was also the first physically handicapped child to attend my public grade school in 1970. Through the years I have developed some very strong views against special education for physically challenged children.

I think I owe my success and determination to the fact that I was not insulated in a special school or a special environment, but allowed to mature in the "real" world where I would eventually have to live. Those stairways and P.E. classes (God, I hated them) seemed insurmountable at the time, but have strengthened me for what I would face in the future. I am also a strong believer in the physically handicapped educating the public as to what we CAN do. In a very real sense, all disabled individuals are ambassadors.

I have always figured that whatever things I can't do, there are still thousands of things I can. I am a devout Christian and am believing God to help me maximize whatever this body can do. Presently, I am working on "mime". I danced last week!!! :-> Okay - I wasn't very good, but I did it!!!

I like to meet people. Buzz me if you like at

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